Welcome to Tollkonsult AS

International trade requires knowledge and expertise on international legislation on customs handling.

Many years of experience dealing with customs issues makes us your perfect partner. We would like to help you and your company to find the right solutions.

Phone: + 47 24 07 70 50

Oslo and Stavanger Office: Press # 1

Os Office (Bergen): Press # 2

E-mail: post at tollkonsult.no

Avd. Oslo

Besøksadr. Nydalsveien 28, 0484 Oslo
Postadr. P.b. 176 Kjelsås, 0411 Oslo
Tlf.: + 47 24 07 70 50


Avd. Os

Besøksadr. Brugata 6
Postadr. Brugata 6, 5200 Os
Tlf.: + 47 24 07 70 50